A painter gives colours and shapes to ideas transformed in reality, a dancer knows how to move with the flow of life and a musician can incorporate it all in the vibration of the moment. The main idea of the personalized compositions is that life imitates art and every human being is an artist at heart.
These melodies are made of sounds heard in a deep level of consciousness and internal connection with the other, translated into a composition created by the collective energy or that of the person involved in the process of evolution. They are offered at the end of each retreat or individually, by request, after having a profound, conscious discussion.
These songs can be used as powerful “chants” of liberating oneself from one’s limiting interpretations of the mind. They include the intention of one’s free spirit and the spontaneous signature frequency of the moment created and of the one who requested it. They can be listened in order to enter a deep state of trance, to design a new path by remembering one’s essence and integrate it with a higher level of awareness.
To order your personalized composition, please go to the Contact page.